ClientsCathedral Jakarta

120th Anniversary Cathedral Jakarta

Celebrating history with genuine action and good deeds

The Jakarta Cathedral celebrated its 120th anniversary last July 2021. We’ve been trusted to design the logo, social media templates for the whole year as well as the guideline, posters, and banners for this event. 

The theme for their 120th-anniversary event is to encourage the congregation to spread more love and kindness. It aligns with the theme KAJ (Keuskupan Agung Jakarta) has disseminated, inspired by a piece of verse in Act 10.38 - “and He went around doing good”, a wonderful reminder of Jesus’ good deeds throughout His life.

We mindfully craft their event logo to visually carry the meaningful message. By using the 120 number as the logotype design specifically in a modern font to show that Jakarta Cathedral keeps up and adjusts to the changing era.

We go deeper into detail in the number “0”, by adding an illustration of a hand spreading the colorful dots to represent kindness and love that are spread all around. There are many ways we can plant our good deeds. It doesn’t matter how big or small our good deeds are, whether it’s inside the church or simply our surroundings, what counts is the genuine intention with real implementations.

The reason why we add the hand illustration specifically on the number “0” is to portray the act of kindness and love in infinity. Spreading kindness and love doesn’t have a timeline, the action of love keeps on going without having to stop, no matter the circumstances.

To make it easier for their team to use a consistent visual identity throughout the year, we create a special guideline. This guideline contains information on how to use the logo, how to apply the color combination, and every little detail that can help them put the elements together. A powerful message in a thorough design, the little good deeds that go a long way.